I thought it helpful to include my Eclipse worksheet code, which can be played with and run.
import scala.concurrent._ import ExecutionContext.Implicits.global import scala.util.{Try,Success,Failure} object Actors3 { println("Actors3----") val r = scala.util.Random val usdQuote = future { Thread.sleep(1000) r.nextInt(10) } val canQuote = future { Thread.sleep(1000) r.nextInt(10) } val purchase = for { usd <- usdQuote can <- canQuote if (can > usd) } yield "Can Strong" purchase onSuccess { case e => println(s"e1=${e}") } println("This is the most interesting") val purchase2 = usdQuote flatMap { usd => canQuote.withFilter(can => (can > usd)).map(can => "Can Strong") } recover { case _ => "Falsies" } println(s"purchase2=${purchase2}") purchase2 onSuccess { case e => println(s"e2=${e}") } Thread.sleep(4000) println("End----") }