Monday, May 29, 2017

Parrot Compiler

I posed the question of what the importance of the Parrot Compiler groovy is (ELI5) on the groovy slack channel
And got an answer direct from Guillaume Laforge

the syntax of Groovy hasn’t evolved in a long time
the current / old parser is a bit complicated to evolve
and is using a very old version of the parsing library
so any change we’d want to make to the language (a new operator, for example) becomes very complicated
So we’ve been wanting to upgrade the underlying parser library for a while, but since the library evolved a lot, that also required a rewrite of the grammar of the language
But there’s another thing to consider
Groovy’s always been adopted by Java developers easily because of how close to the Java syntax it’s always been
so most Java programs are also valid Groovy programs
it’s been important to Groovy’s success to have this source compatibility
Java 8's been out for a while already
and we’ve been asked countless times if we’d support this or that particular syntax enhancement from Java 8
for “copy’n paste compatibility”, if you will
We decided to upgrade to a newer version of our parsing library (from v2 to v4 of Antlr)
to allow Groovy’s syntax to continue to evolve
to also support new operators and things like that
but to also support Java 8 constructs, for continued compatibility
And that’s about it :slightly_smiling_face:
Would a 5yo understand my explanation?