Thursday, March 26, 2015

Great Play 2.3 starting point video

I found this video a great overview with some very interesting depth.
I was finding getting started in the play/activator a bit messy.  I just could not see the overall picture, what is included and what serves what purpose.
This video really cleared that up nicely.
It covers activator,  play,  ide, sbt-web, slick,  akka, json reader/writer, and scala.

Play - Java - Video Tutorial

I found this to be a good start in Play (Java) and Activator

For some reason the final coffee script part was not working for me, but that was of less interest than seeing an overview of Play and CRUD in Play.

What was happening for me was the .js was being generated and could be seen

But for some reason if I tried to debug in chrome it would always break in the and then fail on the first line
$ ->

I found out this is because jQuery was not being included, I had to add the following line in main.scala.html
<script src="")" type="text/javascript"></script>

A great follow up is the exact same video but now using Scala in place of Java.

This time the sorm ORM was missing and the following line had to be added to build.sbt
libraryDependencies += "org.sorm-framework" % "sorm" % "0.3.16"

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Testing Visual Layout

Working on a responsive Single Page Application. Backend java webservice have solid test, but the AngularJS front end is more difficult. I need to be able to test layout issues on different browsers and at different resolutions. A little bit of googling lead me to Galen Framework.

I started by reading some documentation and then this video. Unfortunately the video is out of date and on Windows and chrome there are a ton of gotchas.

  • Add Galen to your path
  • Get the selenium chromedriver and place it in the Galen directory, that was added to your path
  • Galen is VERY VERY wierd about tabs, you have to use spaces. if there is a tab it ignored it completely making this line
        selenium chrome[tab]1024x768
           Completely different to
        selenium chrome 1024x768

P.s. if you want IE to work go here you will have to restart your computer

Here are my files that I got working with the video.

@@ Set

@@ Table devices
  | device     | tags        | size     |
  | mobile     | all,mobile  | 320x640  |
  | desktop    | all,desktop | 1024x768 |

@@ Parameterized using devices
Home page on ${device}
  selenium chrome http://${domain} ${size}
    check homepage.spec --include "${tags}"

command line
galen test introduction.test --htmlreport reports

header-container     id  header
header-brand         css #header .navbar-brand
header-logo          css #header .navbar-brand img

header-news          css #bs-example-navbar-collapse-1 .nav

  inside: screen 0px top
  width: 100% of screen/width
  height: 50px

  inside: header-container 0px top left

  width: 26px
  height: 26px  

